Fake ID Penalties in Pennsylvania
Acquiring fake identification in Pennsylvania is prevalent mostly among people under the age of 21. Pennsylvania has enforced strict laws against using fake IDs. Find out more here.
Acquiring fake identification in Pennsylvania is prevalent mostly among people under the age of 21. Pennsylvania has enforced strict laws against using fake IDs. Find out more here.
In the United States, the legal system addresses crimes in two different case types, civil and criminal. Crimes are actions or omissions that can be prosecuted accordingly by the state and punishable by law.
There is a sharp difference between a misdemeanor and a felony. A misdemeanor is a less severe crime, and a felony is the most severe crime category that a person can commit.
A summary offense, even “Non-Traffic” summaries like Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct, and Harassment can be very different from criminal offenses which manifest themselves in the form of a Misdemeanor or a Felony. To be honest, jail is extremely unlikely for a non-traffic summary.