Getting an experienced and knowledgeable juvenile defense attorney to represent your child’s interests when charged with a juvenile offense in Erie County is extremely important in light of their short and long term outlook. That means you need an attorney with both significant and recent experience within the Juvenile Justice System.
Many juvenile crimes attorneys will not tell you this, but the Juvenile Justice System is very different in comparison to the Adult System. In many ways, it can be more “punitive” and missteps abound if the attorney representing your child only dabbles in that arena. As you have likely seen from my “About” page, I was a prosecutor first. Since then, I’ve spent even more time as a private defense attorney. But what is somewhat less known is that I have spent two mornings a week over the last several years representing juvenile cases in Erie County. That has provided me with experience, knowledge, and relationships few other criminal defense attorneys can boast to have at their disposal.
That dynamic places me in a position to begin representing your child immediately. I know who will be making the initial key decisions. I also have an intimate understanding of the process. That includes how to handle a detention hearing, what to expect in an intake interview, what is expected at status conferences, and what crimes and circumstances create the risk of placement. Navigating all of those circumstances is extremely difficult if you simply dabble in juvenile defense in Ere PA.